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Gasoducto ruso hacia China.Russian pipeline to China



Gasoducto ruso hacia China
Russian pipeline to China
RT Actualidad / Economía
Etnopaisaje.com + dibujos





Historia del proyecto
El proyecto de construir un gran gasoducto ruso hacia China fue discutido por ambos países a partir de 2004 durante más de 10 años. En febrero de 2013, Gazprom se comprometió a negociar solamente la ruta oriental, más costosa y más prolongada que la ruta occidental, llamada ‘Altái’.
En mayo de este año, durante la visita del presidente Vladímir Putin a Shanghái, las empresas Gazprom y CNPC firmaron un contrato para suministrar anualmente 38.000 millones de metros cúbicos de gas ruso a China durante 30 años.
Putin dijo que la inversión total por parte de Rusia en la ejecución del contrato es de 55.000 millones dólares, 20.000 millones dólares por la parte china.

Para nosotros esto es una oportunidad para entrar en la región de Asia Pacífico y llegar a nuestros principales consumidores
El ministro de Energía ruso, Alexánder Novak, señaló que China podría conceder a Rusia un pago por adelantado por el suministro de gas de hasta 25.000 millones de dólares. Los suministros podrían comenzar en 2019.
«Para nosotros esto es una oportunidad para entrar en la región de Asia Pacífico y llegar a nuestros principales consumidores. Un gran contrato de este tipo, cuyo valor total, como se sabe, es de 400.000 millones de dólares, permite hacer económicamente viable la gasificación de todo el Lejano Oriente y Siberia Oriental. Esto es lo más importante para Rusia en este contrato», explicó el presidente ruso. Recordó que China consumirá tanto gas ruso como Alemania: unos 40. 000 millones de metros cúbicos.
The construction of the largest Russian pipeline to China, the so called strength of Siberia (‘Sila Sibiri’ in Russian), will start on September 1. It will take the Asian country 38 billion cubic meters of gas from oil fields in Eastern Russia.
According to the Interfax Agency, the solemn ceremony of the initial welding of tubes will take place in the city of Yakutsk, capital of the Republic of Yakutia in northeastern Siberia.
Preparations for the construction of the pipeline strength of Siberia were discussed by the Chairman of Gazprom, Alexéi Miller, and the Chinese Ambassador, Li Hui, who stressed that the Russian gas company is the driving force behind the cooperation between Russia and China.
A unique gas field
The strength of Siberia pipeline follow the Eastern route of studied by countries both to provide oil to China. The conduit will have an approximate length of 4,800 kilometres. Your infrastructure meet the Chayanda and Kovykta fields resources, in Eastern Siberia.
The Chayanda gas, in the Republic of Yakutia, belongs to a unique category: contains around 1.45 billion cubic metres of gas and about 93 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons. When fully developed, in the field will be produced up to 25 billion cubic meters of gas and at least 1.5 million tons of oil a year.
The field of Kovykta gas, in the province of Irkutsk, is home to 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas, 2.3 billion cubic meters of helium, and 115 million tons of gas condensate liquid.
While China takes on only 38 billion cubic meters of Russian gas per year, the strength of Siberia pipeline capabilities reach 64 billion cubic meters. It is unknown who will be the recipient of the remaining gas, although previously the India showed interest in Russian oil supplied through pipelines.
History of the Project
The project to build a large Russian pipeline to China was discussed by both countries from 2004 for more than 10 years. In February 2013, Gazprom pledged to negotiate only the Eastern, more expensive and longer than the Western route, called ‘Altái’ route.
In May this year, during the visit of President Vladímir Putin in Shanghai, the companies Gazprom and CNPC signed a contract to supply annually 38 billion cubic meters of Russian gas to China for 30 years.
Putin said that the total investment by Russia in the execution of the contract is of 55 billion dollars, 20 billion dollars by the Chinese party.
For us this is an opportunity to enter the Asia-Pacific region and reach our main consumers
The Russian Energy Minister, Alexánder Novak, said that China could grant Russia a
payment in advance for up to $ 25 billion gas supply. Supplies could begin in 2019.
«For us this is an opportunity to enter the Asia-Pacific region and reach our main consumers. A great contract of this kind, whose total value, as we know, is $ 400 billion, allows to make economically viable gasification of the far East and Eastern Siberia. This is the most important for Russia in this contract», said the Russian President. He recalled that China will consume so much Russian gas as Germany: about 40. billion cubic meters


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