Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del 25 octubre, 2022

Saint Pio of Pietrelcina.English.1.25.10,22

25 octubre, 2022 Autor: admin

5 things you may not have known about Saint Pio of Pietrelcina and his guardian angel





.- Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, the priest of the stigmata, had a very close relationship with his guardian angel.



Here are 5 facts, according to tradition, that you may not have known about Padre Pio and the angels.


1.- He believed that everyone could see it


According to the Work of the Holy Angels, a Catholic association that propagates this devotion and with its own statutes approved by the Holy See, it is said that when he was very young, Fr. Pio began to have visions of his guardian angel, Jesus and Mary. His mother even said that he thought that everyone could see them.


2.- Together against the devil


Sometimes, the devil smudged the letters that came from his confessor and following the advice of his guardian angel, when a letter arrived, before opening it, the holy friar sprinkled it with holy water and so he could read it. .




However, one time Padre Pio was being beaten by the devil and called his guardian angel several times out loud, but to no avail. Later, when the angel appeared to comfort him, Padre Pio angrily asked him why he had not come to his aid. The angel replied: “Jesus allows these assaults of the devil because his compassion makes you pleasing to him and he would like you to resemble him in the desert, in the garden and on the cross” (Letter I, 113).



3.- I translated the letters

If he received a letter written in French, the guardian angel acted as his translator. Padre Pio once wrote: «If the mission of our Guardian Angel is important, mine is certainly broader, because he must also act as a teacher in the translation of other languages» (Letter I, 304).

4.- I woke him up and prayed with him


The Holy Capuchin friar narrated: “At night, when I close my eyes, I see the veil lowered and paradise open before me; and, comforted by this vision, I sleep with a smile of sweet happiness on my lips and with a great tranquility on my forehead, waiting for my little companion from my childhood to come and wake me up and, in this way, raise the morning lauds together to the beloved of our hearts” (Letter I,308),


5.- He talked with other guardian angels


“If you need me -the Saint repeated to his spiritual children-, send me your guardian angel”. One day Fr. Alessio Parente (Capuchin Friar Minor) approached Padre Pio with some letters in his hand to ask him some questions and the priest could not attend him.


Later the priest of the stigmata called him and said: “Have you not seen all those Angels who were here around me? They were the Guardian Angels of my spiritual children who came to bring me their messages. I had to give them the answers quickly.”


The venerable Padre Pio of Pietrelcina always recognized and appreciated the role of «messenger» of the Guardian Angel and therefore recommended his devotion
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