Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Dibujos, Drawings.Etnopaisaje.8.10.1,23

14 enero, 2023 Autor: admin














Jesus habla a santa Faustina Kowalska.



Hija Mía, escribe sobre Mi misericordia para las almas afligidas.  Me deleitan las almas que recurren a Mi misericordia.  A estas almas les concedo gracias por encima de lo que piden.  No puedo castigar aún al pecador más grande si él suplica Mi compasión, sino que lo justifico en Mi insondable e impenetrable misericordia.  Escribe:  Antes de venir como juez justo abro de par en par la puerta de Mi misericordia.  Quien no quiere pasar por la puerta de Mi misericordia, tiene que pasar por la puerta de Mi justicia



The Jesus of,Teresa of Calcutta.

26 julio, 2024 Autor: admin

Teresa of Calcutta

.The Jesus of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Teresa of Calcutta….

«For me, Jesus is
The Word made flesh.
The bread of Life.
The victim sacrificed on the cross for our sins.
The Sacrifice offered in the Holy Mass for the sins of the world and for my own.
The Word, to be said.
The Truth, to be proclaimed.
The Path, to be traveled.
The light, to be turned on.
Life, to be lived.
Love, to be loved.
Joy, to be shared.
The sacrifice, to be given to others.
The Bread of Life, to be my sustenance.
The Hungry, to be fed.
The Thirsty, to be satisfied.
The Naked, to be clothed.
The Helpless, to be picked up.
The Sick, to be cured.
The Lonely One, to be loved.
The Unwanted, to be loved.
The Leper, to wash his wounds.
The Beggar, to give him a smile.
The Alcoholic, to listen to it.
The Mentally Deficient, to protect him.
The Little One, to hug him.
The Blind Man, to guide him.
The Mute, to speak for him.
The Cripple, to walk with him.
The Drug Addict, to be understood in friendship.
The Prostitute, to keep her away from danger and be her friend.
The Prisoner, to be visited.
The Elder, to be attended to.
For me, Jesus is my God.
Jesus is my Husband.
Jesus is my life.
Jesus is my only love.
Jesus is my every thing. »

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