Obama and Islam .Obama frente al Islam
16 agosto, 2010 Autor: admin
Obama and Islam
Sometimes, when analyzing the international terrorism, not valued the religious influence and above a religion as the Arab countries introduced in all continents. The deaths of civilians converts them into martyrs ,that stimulates the struggle for the holy war of Osama bin Laden.
The secret documents on the war , introduces some elements as the president says of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, «The war against terrorism should not be carried out in the villages and houses of Afghanistan, but in the sanctuaries and in the bases for training and funding and these are outside of Afghanistan», once put into evidence the support of Islamabad the Taliban.
We are going to the meeting of university College, the theme today, Afghanistan, after the leaked documents by Wikileaks
The first :if it is true that reveal the support covert Pakistan to the Taliban along these nine years of war,the issue is complicated and the war takes gigantic dimensions.
Take part another, Pakistan, is a very controversial, there are many Muslims and have many conflicts with India. The United States and Pakistan, are not only distanced by their mutual mistrust, but by security interests. While the Taliban and other religious extremists are enemies of the Americans, have been for years, some great allies of Pakistan in the main point of its cold war with India, Kashmir.
A third, and what do you say of Iran?, he answered, ignore the opinions journalistic of Pais? …Which are?
Sight… «The regime shiite Iran has provided the terrorist group Al-Qaida and the Taliban, both sunnis, more material aid and economic of what was thought, as is evidenced in the military documents revealed last Sunday by the web Wikileaks. With Iran, in this campaign of harassment and shooting down to the Afghan Government and allied troops to support, have cooperated commercially other Governments such as North Korea or Algeria, which have sold arms to the insurgents»
The fourth, of all forms, the decision of Obama to send more troops, is to continue the image of arrogance military, which in the civil scares. If it said that 30,000 americans more for humanitarian aid, instead of rifles and tanks ,come loaded with tents medicines and food, and the Taliban remain confused.
On the other hand That Obama say,that the military pressure, prevents terrorism in North America, I hope is fulfilled, but the terrorists of Al Qaeda, operating throughout the world.
Obama frente al Islam
A veces, al analizar el terrorismo internacional, no se valora bien la influencia religiosa y sobretodo una religión como la de los países árabes implantada en todos los continentes. Las muertes de los civiles los convierte en mártires ,que estimula la lucha por la guerra santa de Osama bin Laden.
Los documentos secretos sobre la guerra , introducen algunos elementos que como dice el presidente de Afganistán, Hamid Karzai, «La guerra contra el terrorismo no debe llevarse a cabo en las aldeas y casas de Afganistán sino en los santuarios y en las bases de entrenamiento y financiación y estas están fuera de Afganistán», una vez puesto en evidencia el apoyo de Islamabad a los talibanes.
Vamos a la reunion del Colegio Mayor, el tema de hoy, Afganistan, después de los documentos filtrados por Wikileaks
Interviene el primero :si es verdad que revelan el apoyo encubierto de Pakistán a los talibanes a lo largo de estos nueve años de guerra,el tema se complica y la guerra toma dimensiones gigantescas.
Interviene otro, Pakistan, es un país muy controvertido, hay muchos musulmanes y tienen muchos conflictos con la India. Estados Unidos y Pakistán, no sólo están distanciados por su mutua desconfianza, sino por intereses de seguridad diferentes. Mientras los talibanes y otros extremistas religiosos son enemigos de los norteamericanos, han sido durante años unos grandes aliados de Pakistán en el principal frente de su guerra fría con India, Cachemira.
Interviene un tercero, y que dices de Iran?, le contestan. ignoras los comentarios periodísticos del Pais? …cuales son?
Mira… “El régimen chií de Irán ha brindado al grupo terrorista Al Qaeda y a los talibanes, ambos suníes, más ayuda material y económica de lo que se pensaba, según queda patente en los documentos militares revelados el pasado domingo por la web Wikileaks. Con Irán, en esta campaña de acoso y derribo al Gobierno afgano y a las tropas aliadas que lo respaldan, han cooperado comercialmente otros Gobiernos como el de Corea del Norte o Argelia, que han vendido armas a los insurgentes”
Interviene el cuarto, de todas formas, la decisión de Obama de enviar más tropas, es seguir dando la imagen de prepotencia militar, que a los civiles le asusta. Si dijera que van 30.000 americanos más para ayudas humanitarias, en vez del fusiles y los tanques ,vendrian cargados de tiendas medicamentos y alimentos,los talibanes quedarían confundidos.
Por otro lado Que Obama diga,que la presión militar, evita el terrorismo en Norte América, ojala se cumpla, pero los terroristas de Al Qaeda, actúan en todo el mudo.
The secret documents on the war , introduces some elements as the president says of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, «The war against terrorism should not be carried out in the villages and houses of Afghanistan, but in the sanctuaries and in the bases for training and funding and these are outside of Afghanistan», once put into evidence the support of Islamabad the Taliban.
We are going to the meeting of university College, the theme today, Afghanistan, after the leaked documents by Wikileaks
The first :if it is true that reveal the support covert Pakistan to the Taliban along these nine years of war,the issue is complicated and the war takes gigantic dimensions.
Take part another, Pakistan, is a very controversial, there are many Muslims and have many conflicts with India. The United States and Pakistan, are not only distanced by their mutual mistrust, but by security interests. While the Taliban and other religious extremists are enemies of the Americans, have been for years, some great allies of Pakistan in the main point of its cold war with India, Kashmir.
A third, and what do you say of Iran?, he answered, ignore the opinions journalistic del Pais? …Which are
Sight… «The regime shiite Iran has provided the terrorist group Al-Qaida and the Taliban, both sunnis, more material aid and economic of what was thought, as is evidenced in the military documents revealed last Sunday by the web Wikileaks. With Iran, in this campaign of harassment and shooting down to the Afghan Government and allied troops to support, have cooperated commercially other Governments such as North Korea or Algeria, which have sold arms to the insurgents»
The fourth, of all forms, the decision of Obama to send more troops, is to continue the image of arrogance military, which in the civil scares. If it said that 30,000 americans more for humanitarian aid, instead of rifles and tanks ,come loaded with tents medicines and food, and the Taliban remain confused.
On the other hand That Obama say,that the military pressure, prevents terrorism in North America, ojala is fulfilled, but the terrorists of Al Qaeda, operating throughout the world.